In the beginning....

There is a Blockage in the System
The funniest thing about fundamentalist Christians is that they are the easiest to discredit using the Bible? Correct me if I'm wrong, but their premise for religion is that the Bible should be taken literally, right?
The Bible says "thou shalt not kill," yet people blowing up abortion clinics are more often than not fundamentalist Christians. The Bible says to "turn the other cheek," but they are the ones leading the call to war since 9-11.
Matthew 19:12
"12For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."
So, I don't know if the fundamentalists have conveniently skipped this passage and opted to dance with snakes, drink watered down poison, and hate reason, but if someone could notify them then maybe we, over the next couple of generations, could get the whole religion debate started again.
Thank you.
NOTE: When I say solution, I'm neglecting the other possiblity: reminding fundamentalists that the Bible is a translation of a translation, which means that unless you know ancient Hebrew and Greek, you CAN'T take the Bible literally (this is the aspect, I must interject, where Muslim fundamentalists have the upper hand, at least the Koran is written in Arabic, which all Muslims, from what I understand, believe is the language in which you have to read the Koran).
Just to further solidify the fact that the Bible CAN'T be taken literally, God didn't say, for example, "Let there be light." Okay? If God said anything, it wasn't "Let there be light," because English didn't exist when God created the world (which is why the "if" is important). We created language....or if we got language from God, it's been thouroughly muddled in the milions of years people have been around.
Il n'y a pas ce qu'on dit "religeon" selon moi, je ne crois que la verite, le brave coeur, et l'amour.
Je crois en toi, car t'en as tout.
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