A Little T & A with Your R & R: Washinton Post Links to Porn

Reading an article entitled "NTP Asks Federal Judge to Turn Off Blackberries," there is a link in the "Who's Blogging" section for a "blog" called Actress Nude Scenes.
The links that line the top of the page are clearly only meant for purposes of erudition: sex, fuck, pussy, dick, blowjob, and so on. There appear to be essays as well. Take, for instance, their piece on "The Most Unique actress+nude+scenes results on Gonaget." Great piece! Thanks WP!
We're still not sure exactly how this happened, but we're sure someone found out how to take advantage of the Washington Post linking program. No matter what good is on the internet, porn will always find a way to make it sleazier.
Technorati tags: Washington Post, Porn, blogs
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