Sunday, September 17, 2006
About Me
- Name: Robert
- Location: Taipei, Taiwan
I met a beautiful, intelligent Taiwanese girl named Fanfan when I was studying in Angers, France in 2004. That summer, I went back to the US to finish my last year of college, and she moved to Paris. Things blossomed, and a year later I moved to Paris to be with her. I studied philosophy, and she studied cultural mediation. After a year had passed and all of our money had run out, we moved to Taiwan. Fanfan worked as writer, teacher and French-Chinese translator. I taught English, worked as a freelance journalist and studied Mandarin. On the side, I study Chinese and Taiwanese history on my own, which is why I maintain this site, because the interaction it provides gives me a better understanding of these subjects as a whole. To be clear, I am not a professional, and I welcome comments and criticisms ....Oh, and I know I'm not the ONLY redhead in Taiwan, and I know that's a stupid name for a blog. This was meant to be a way for my family and friends to keep up with what I was doing, but it became much more....In the summer of 2009, we'll be moving to D.C., as I'll beginning a Master's in International Relations.
Sometimes, unfortunately, one must ask for a little more than just a bow and a grimace.
This is just liberal mumbo jumbo, right?
Losing Our Train of Thought and other Tomfoolery
Journals in Asia
Journals in the Middle East
Journals in Africa
Journals on Globalization
Journals in Ubiquitystan
Comparative Anti-ignorance
Political, philosophical, and Religious Data Resources, Think-tanks, and Institutions
- Data Ferrett
- Rand Corp.
- The Brookings Institute
- Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
- Statistical Research Resources
- The Gallup Organization
- Americans & the World: Public Opinion and International Affairs
- The 9-11 Commission Report
- The State of the News Media
- American Religion Data Archive
- The Tomb of Jesus Christ Website
- Comparative Religion
- Virtual Religion Website: More Comparative Religion
- World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Religious Texts
- The National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project
- Real Climate
- Watch Television in Almost any Country in the World
- Source Watch: a project of the Center Media & Democracy
- The Freedom Forum
- Committee to Protect Journalists
- Butterflies and Wheels: Fighting Fashionable Nonsense
- National Priorities Project
- Zogby International
- United States Academy of Sciences
- Talkin' About Talk for the 2005 Year of Languages in the US
- Savage Minds: notes and queries on Anthropology
- Notes on Globish
- Crooks and Liars
- Andrew Sullivan
Radio and News Links
Previous Posts
- Some buddies of mine and I are starting this new p...
- new blog
- The etymology/hermeneutics of "Decider"
- Vive la France, and Blogger....
- These infidels eat their damnation for breakfast, ...
- Two Degrees of Seperation: Bush and Bin Laden
- ports, liars, and hacks
- Terrorism, Port, Allah, Terrorism, Globalization....
- Port, Port, Port, Terrorism, Port, Allah, Port...S...
- Why ending the debate over something insignificant...