In the new beginning...
This is the new beginning, and it’s called The Bow and Grimace.

The B&G is….
We will write as honestly as humanly possible, and we will welcome even the harshest criticisms like long-lost friends—though we prefer fluffy, flower-scented criticisms just the same.
This is not to say that we will be happy to find how miserably mistaken we can be, but we will be content in the knowledge gained from making mistakes. That said, however, we’ll always be more content to learn from other people’s mistakes.
Furthermore, just any old acerbic disagreement does not pass for criticism. If, for instance, we say, “Carrots are good for you,” but you don’t like carrots—the texture just makes you wanna throw up—that does not give you justification to write back calling us carrotnicks or dorkus caroti (for you witty horticulturists out there). On the contrary, we would prefer for you to write something along the lines of:
Dear B&G,
I found you’re article on carrots disconcerting. I did not find it up to the normal standards of B&G I myself do not like carrots because of the texture, and I would appreciate you presenting a more balanced argument concerning carrots.
To this message, I have graciously attached information on alternatives to carrots that I believe you should have mentioned in your article—which I find too biased towards carrots.
Thank you, and have a good day,
Spinach McShrimp
We do not take kindly to:
You’re just a bunch liberal/conservative carrot lovers! I hope your skin turns orange!! Or red, like the commie/red-state bastard you are!
We know that some people will want to construe this as us making or forming our own truth, and we pledge with the utmost earnestness that we are not in the business of creating the Truth. We have nothing to gain from lying, and everything to lose. We are searching for the Truth for ourselves and presenting what we find along the way because we know that we cannot find the Truth alone.
In it's representation:
International. We have correspondents on six continents. Our polar correspondant called from Ushuaia:
"Hello," we said when the phone rang.We no longer have a polar corresponant, however, we'll pursue that avenue once things start heating up in the region (no pun intended). The rest of us are perched in our respective corners (France, America, Argentina, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, etc.), ready to provide a unique experience for all of our readers.
"Hey, it's you're polar correspondant," he said when after we said "Hello."
"Hey!" we said, gleefully, "How's it goin'?"
"Great! I'm ready to catch my boat. I just called to get the information."
"You have organized my transport to Antarctica, haven't you?"
The line crackled, and Tom muttered something.
"Wait, who is this?" we asked.
"It's Tom, your polar correspondant."
There was an awkward pause here.
Then Tom sighed. "I'm cold. This is long distance," he said, his voice cracking.
"We think you may have the wrong number."
"Why'd you sound like you were expecting me when I called."
"We just thought it was a joke, man," we said, nervously, twurling our right index finger in the phone cord.
There was another really awkward pause, then we said, "Hey, Tom, we gotta dip. The cable company's on the other line with a great deal. We might be able to get HBO and Cinemax!" We hung the phone and looked at each other (in a non-literal sense, seeing as we're on six different continents). "That was close," we said to ourselves.
I have often been pleased to hear Disputes adjusted between an Inhabitant of
This interaction is something we of the B&G know well from living and traveling abroad. The grimace is not one of contempt or of frustration. It’s a communiqué and an acknowledgement that we both know what the other wants to say, but neither one of us can do it in the other’s language. It’s just as genuine as speaking, but perhaps more awkward. The bow shows respect and politesse, while the grimace shows the want for exchange. Anyone who’s learned a new language in a foreign country or had the opportunity to be close people from far away, they’ll certainly, I hope, understand The Bow and the Grimace.
This is the new beginning, and we have big goals. The truth is, though, we’ve got no choice but to do what we’re doing.
I look forward to reading about carrots.
Hello. I found your blog while browsing the internet on the subject Joseph Addison. There it is stated that The Bow and Grimace: International journal inspired by Addison's Spectator no. 69. I wanted to ask you if you have more knowledge about this subject. Thank you. Jo
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