Thursday, October 06, 2005

Revelation for the be expounded on later...

Have you ever wondered why people having near death experiences never see anything but "the light?"

In all of our prelimenary searches, we've found no accounts of biforcated tongues, fire, cold coffee, or even wet blankets. All accounts point to out-of-body experiences, bright lights, etc.

What's the importance of the question? (this isn't another question, it's just a rhetorical question so that we can explain why it's important) Well, the significance is that, if the light is heaven or purgatory or some other spiritual place, then that would mean that we are all going to heaven? If it's not spiritual, it has something to do with the temporal lobe in the brain.

We're not saying it does. We're just saying it might. We're not scientists, just amateurs.

Also, we're definitely not saying that the temporal lobe epilepsy might also explain religious encounters with God or giving birth to Jesus (this is not a reference to Mary, for, low, there were no gumshoes in the stable).


Blogger baloghblog said...

I remember in Neuroscience class the professor explaining that the nerve receptors in the retina work in reverse. That the nerves fire their message to the brain when NOT stimulated. When light strikes the retina, the nerves stop firing and the brain interprets this as light.

There is a high concentration of nerve receptors where the image is concentrated after entering the eye, and less so in the surrounding area (thus peripheral vision is worse that looking directly at an object.)

To make a long story short (too late) his hypothesis was that when a person is dying, the nerve receptors begin to be starved of oxygen and begin to die off. As the signals stop flowing from the optic receptors to the brain, the brain reads that as a fade to light, instead of a fade to black. The "light at the end of the tunnel" effect has to do with the higher concentration of receptors in the center of the retina, and a decreasing density the further away from the center.

One professors hypothesis, yes, but intriguing none the less. Fits in with what you had to say on the subject. Further searching may confirm this phenomenon.


6:09 AM  

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